Item:Affiliation: USAID-OFDA (Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance)
Notes: The Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)
OFDA is the office within USAID responsible for providing non-food humanitarian assistance in response to international crises and disasters. The USAID Administrator is designated as the President's Special Coordinator for International Disaster Assistance and USAID/OFDA assists in the coordination of this assistance. OFDA is part of the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA), along with the Office of Democracy and Governance (DCHA/DG), Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation (DCHA/CMM), Office of Transition Initiatives (DCHA/OTI), Office of Food for Peace (DCHA/FFP), Office of Private and Voluntary Cooperation (DCHA/PVC), and Office of American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (DCHA/ASHA), and Office of Program, Policy and Management (DCHA/PPM).
USAID/OFDA is organized into three divisions. The Disaster Response and Mitigation (DRM) division is responsible for coordinating with other organizations for the provision of relief supplies and humanitarian assistance. DRM also devises, coordinates, and implements program strategies for the application of science and technology to prevention, mitigation, and national and international preparedness initiatives for a variety of natural and man-made disaster situations. The Operations Division (OPS) develops and manages logistical, operational, and technical support for disaster responses. OPS maintains readiness to respond to emergencies through several mechanisms, including managing several Search and Rescue (SAR) Teams, the Ground Operations Team (GO Team), field Disaster Assistance Response Teams (DART), and the Washington Response Management teams (RMT). The Program Support (PS) division provides programmatic and administrative support, including budget/financial services, procurement planning, contract/grant administration, general administrative support, and communication support for both USAID/OFDA Washington, D.C. and its field offices.
For additional information about OFDA, please visit the newly enhanced USAID OFDA website.
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