Record Details:
United Nations ~ UNICEF
Organization: Non-Profit - Children's Health/Social Services
Facility Type: Info/Hotline
Status: Open
Countrywide, HT 00000
Main/General Business Number: 800 486 4233
Mission: Doing whatever it takes to save a child
Working in over 150 countries, UNICEF provides children with health care, clean water, nutrition, education, emergency relief, and more. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports UNICEF’s work through fundraising, advocacy, and education in the United States.
Despite extraordinary progress, 24,000 children still die each day from preventable causes. Our mission is to do whatever it takes to make that number zero by giving children the essentials for a safe and healthy childhood.
Areas Served: Haiti, Carribean
This organization provides Temporary or Permanent Service? Temporary
For partners would might be interested to access to some of UNICEF items
in stock or in the pipeline for Cholera, the focal points per sector are:
NUTRITION: Marie Claude Desilets - 3407 8137 mdesilets
SANITATION: Laurance Chabirand - 3492 4307 lchabirand@
EDUCATION: Ganddey Milorme - 3881 2378 gmilorme @
WASH: Talal Tabikh - 3624 8419 ttabikh @
LOGISTICS: Sebastien Laplanche 3702 3803 slaplanche @
Field Coordinator
Artibonite et Nord Ouest
+509 36253832
+88 164 146 9621
fkashando @
(HEAS contact)
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
Chantal ? (In charge of the health section - St. Marc): 38 81 23 71
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Andrea Berther - aberther - No longer in country
Annelies Ollieuz (Inter-Cluster Liaison) - aollieuz - 38812400
Arnaud CONCHON - aconchon - 34525042
Beatrice Malebranche - bmalebranche
Emmanuel STREEL - eestreel - 36253763
Gervais Havyarimana - ghavyarimana - 38812373
Helena Murseli (Sub-Cluster Coordinator, Jacmel) - helenamurseli 38812394
North, North East or Centre, the contact person is:
Mr Paulin NKWOSSEU pnkwosseu @ / 37662428
Schembri Herbert, WASH Cluster Coordinator - 3-766-3102 hschembri@
Hahn Nicole, IM Officer - 3-625-3872 msnicolehahn@
Gaëlle FOHR
Hygiene Promotion Manager
UNICEF,Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Tel.: +509 37659597
UNICEF Communication Officer Mrs. Augustin at (509) 3454-5241
Info Source/Changes: added notes/updated facility name
(see full history)
Wed Dec 15 16:39:40 +0000 2010 by LTel:added notes/updated facility name
(show/hide changes)Wed Dec 15 16:39:04 +0000 2010 by LTel:notes: For partners would might be interested to access to some of UNICEF items
in stock or in the pipeline for Cholera, the focal points per sector are:
NUTRITION: Marie Claude Desilets - 3407 8137 mdesilets
SANITATION: Laurance Chabirand - 3492 4307 lchabirand@
EDUCATION: Ganddey Milorme - 3881 2378 gmilorme @
WASH: Talal Tabikh - 3624 8419 ttabikh @
LOGISTICS: Sebastien Laplanche 3702 3803 slaplanche @
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
Chantal ? (In charge of the health section - St. Marc): 38 81 23 71
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Andrea Berther - aberther - No longer in country
Annelies Ollieuz (Inter-Cluster Liaison) - aollieuz - 38812400
Arnaud CONCHON - aconchon - 34525042
Beatrice Malebranche - bmalebranche
Emmanuel STREEL - eestreel - 36253763
Gervais Havyarimana - ghavyarimana - 38812373
Helena Murseli (Sub-Cluster Coordinator, Jacmel) - helenamurseli 38812394
Schembri Herbert, WASH Cluster Coordinator - 3-766-3102 hschembri@
Hahn Nicole, IM Officer - 3-625-3872 msnicolehahn@
Gaëlle FOHR
Hygiene Promotion Manager
UNICEF,Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Tel.: +509 37659597
UNICEF Communication Officer Mrs. Augustin at (509) 3454-5241
-> For partners would might be interested to access to some of UNICEF items
in stock or in the pipeline for Cholera, the focal points per sector are:
NUTRITION: Marie Claude Desilets - 3407 8137 mdesilets
SANITATION: Laurance Chabirand - 3492 4307 lchabirand@
EDUCATION: Ganddey Milorme - 3881 2378 gmilorme @
WASH: Talal Tabikh - 3624 8419 ttabikh @
LOGISTICS: Sebastien Laplanche 3702 3803 slaplanche @
Field Coordinator
Artibonite et Nord Ouest
+509 36253832
+88 164 146 9621
fkashando @
(HEAS contact)
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
Chantal ? (In charge of the health section - St. Marc): 38 81 23 71
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Andrea Berther - aberther - No longer in country
Annelies Ollieuz (Inter-Cluster Liaison) - aollieuz - 38812400
Arnaud CONCHON - aconchon - 34525042
Beatrice Malebranche - bmalebranche
Emmanuel STREEL - eestreel - 36253763
Gervais Havyarimana - ghavyarimana - 38812373
Helena Murseli (Sub-Cluster Coordinator, Jacmel) - helenamurseli 38812394
North, North East or Centre, the contact person is:
Mr Paulin NKWOSSEU pnkwosseu @ / 37662428
Schembri Herbert, WASH Cluster Coordinator - 3-766-3102 hschembri@
Hahn Nicole, IM Officer - 3-625-3872 msnicolehahn@
Gaëlle FOHR
Hygiene Promotion Manager
UNICEF,Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Tel.: +509 37659597
UNICEF Communication Officer Mrs. Augustin at (509) 3454-5241
(show/hide changes)Fri Nov 12 06:04:13 +0000 2010 by LTel:notes: Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
Chantal ? (In charge of the health section - St. Marc): 38 81 23 71
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Andrea Berther - aberther - No longer in country
Annelies Ollieuz (Inter-Cluster Liaison) - aollieuz - 38812400
Arnaud CONCHON - aconchon - 34525042
Beatrice Malebranche - bmalebranche
Emmanuel STREEL - eestreel - 36253763
Gervais Havyarimana - ghavyarimana - 38812373
Helena Murseli (Sub-Cluster Coordinator, Jacmel) - helenamurseli 38812394
Schembri Herbert, WASH Cluster Coordinator - 3-766-3102 hschembri@
Hahn Nicole, IM Officer - 3-625-3872 msnicolehahn@
Gaëlle FOHR
Hygiene Promotion Manager
UNICEF,Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Tel.: +509 37659597
UNICEF Communication Officer Mrs. Augustin at (509) 3454-5241
-> For partners would might be interested to access to some of UNICEF items
in stock or in the pipeline for Cholera, the focal points per sector are:
NUTRITION: Marie Claude Desilets - 3407 8137 mdesilets
SANITATION: Laurance Chabirand - 3492 4307 lchabirand@
EDUCATION: Ganddey Milorme - 3881 2378 gmilorme @
WASH: Talal Tabikh - 3624 8419 ttabikh @
LOGISTICS: Sebastien Laplanche 3702 3803 slaplanche @
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
Chantal ? (In charge of the health section - St. Marc): 38 81 23 71
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Andrea Berther - aberther - No longer in country
Annelies Ollieuz (Inter-Cluster Liaison) - aollieuz - 38812400
Arnaud CONCHON - aconchon - 34525042
Beatrice Malebranche - bmalebranche
Emmanuel STREEL - eestreel - 36253763
Gervais Havyarimana - ghavyarimana - 38812373
Helena Murseli (Sub-Cluster Coordinator, Jacmel) - helenamurseli 38812394
Schembri Herbert, WASH Cluster Coordinator - 3-766-3102 hschembri@
Hahn Nicole, IM Officer - 3-625-3872 msnicolehahn@
Gaëlle FOHR
Hygiene Promotion Manager
UNICEF,Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Tel.: +509 37659597
UNICEF Communication Officer Mrs. Augustin at (509) 3454-5241
other_contacts changed.
(show/hide changes)Thu Nov 04 02:41:17 +0000 2010 by LTel:notes: Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
Chantal ? (In charge of the health section - St. Marc): 38 81 23 71
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Andrea Berther - aberther - No longer in country
Annelies Ollieuz (Inter-Cluster Liaison) - aollieuz - 38812400
Arnaud CONCHON - aconchon - 34525042
Beatrice Malebranche - bmalebranche
Emmanuel STREEL - eestreel - 36253763
Gervais Havyarimana - ghavyarimana - 38812373
Helena Murseli (Sub-Cluster Coordinator, Jacmel) - helenamurseli 38812394
Schembri Herbert, WASH Cluster Coordinator - 3-766-3102 hschembri@
Hahn Nicole, IM Officer - 3-625-3872 msnicolehahn@
UNICEF Communication Officer Mrs. Augustin at (509) 3454-5241
-> Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
Chantal ? (In charge of the health section - St. Marc): 38 81 23 71
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Andrea Berther - aberther - No longer in country
Annelies Ollieuz (Inter-Cluster Liaison) - aollieuz - 38812400
Arnaud CONCHON - aconchon - 34525042
Beatrice Malebranche - bmalebranche
Emmanuel STREEL - eestreel - 36253763
Gervais Havyarimana - ghavyarimana - 38812373
Helena Murseli (Sub-Cluster Coordinator, Jacmel) - helenamurseli 38812394
Schembri Herbert, WASH Cluster Coordinator - 3-766-3102 hschembri@
Hahn Nicole, IM Officer - 3-625-3872 msnicolehahn@
Gaëlle FOHR
Hygiene Promotion Manager
UNICEF,Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Tel.: +509 37659597
UNICEF Communication Officer Mrs. Augustin at (509) 3454-5241
other_contacts changed.
(show/hide changes)Wed Nov 03 17:31:22 +0000 2010 by LTel:notes: Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
Chantal ? (In charge of the health section - St. Marc): 38 81 23 71
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Andrea Berther - aberther - No longer in country
Annelies Ollieuz (Inter-Cluster Liaison) - aollieuz - 38812400
Arnaud CONCHON - aconchon - 34525042
Beatrice Malebranche - bmalebranche
Emmanuel STREEL - eestreel - 36253763
Gervais Havyarimana - ghavyarimana - 38812373
Helena Murseli (Sub-Cluster Coordinator, Jacmel) - helenamurseli 38812394
Schembri Herbert, WASH Cluster Coordinator - 3-766-3102 hschembri@
Hahn Nicole, IM Officer - 3-625-3872 msnicolehahn@
-> Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
Chantal ? (In charge of the health section - St. Marc): 38 81 23 71
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Andrea Berther - aberther - No longer in country
Annelies Ollieuz (Inter-Cluster Liaison) - aollieuz - 38812400
Arnaud CONCHON - aconchon - 34525042
Beatrice Malebranche - bmalebranche
Emmanuel STREEL - eestreel - 36253763
Gervais Havyarimana - ghavyarimana - 38812373
Helena Murseli (Sub-Cluster Coordinator, Jacmel) - helenamurseli 38812394
Schembri Herbert, WASH Cluster Coordinator - 3-766-3102 hschembri@
Hahn Nicole, IM Officer - 3-625-3872 msnicolehahn@
UNICEF Communication Officer Mrs. Augustin at (509) 3454-5241
other_contacts changed.
(show/hide changes)Tue Oct 26 18:02:27 +0000 2010 by LTel:added notes
notes: Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Andrea Berther - aberther - No longer in country
Annelies Ollieuz (Inter-Cluster Liaison) - aollieuz - 38812400
Arnaud CONCHON - aconchon - 34525042
Beatrice Malebranche - bmalebranche
Emmanuel STREEL - eestreel - 36253763
Gervais Havyarimana - ghavyarimana - 38812373
Helena Murseli (Sub-Cluster Coordinator, Jacmel) - helenamurseli 38812394
Schembri Herbert, WASH Cluster Coordinator - 3-766-3102 hschembri@
Hahn Nicole, IM Officer - 3-625-3872 msnicolehahn@
-> Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
Chantal ? (In charge of the health section - St. Marc): 38 81 23 71
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Andrea Berther - aberther - No longer in country
Annelies Ollieuz (Inter-Cluster Liaison) - aollieuz - 38812400
Arnaud CONCHON - aconchon - 34525042
Beatrice Malebranche - bmalebranche
Emmanuel STREEL - eestreel - 36253763
Gervais Havyarimana - ghavyarimana - 38812373
Helena Murseli (Sub-Cluster Coordinator, Jacmel) - helenamurseli 38812394
Schembri Herbert, WASH Cluster Coordinator - 3-766-3102 hschembri@
Hahn Nicole, IM Officer - 3-625-3872 msnicolehahn@
other_contacts changed.
(show/hide changes)Tue Oct 26 17:23:13 +0000 2010 by LTel:Added inotes
notes: Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Andrea Berther - aberther - No longer in country
Annelies Ollieuz (Inter-Cluster Liaison) - aollieuz - 38812400
Arnaud CONCHON - aconchon - 34525042
Beatrice Malebranche - bmalebranche
Emmanuel STREEL - eestreel - 36253763
Gervais Havyarimana - ghavyarimana - 38812373
Helena Murseli (Sub-Cluster Coordinator, Jacmel) - helenamurseli 38812394
-> Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Andrea Berther - aberther - No longer in country
Annelies Ollieuz (Inter-Cluster Liaison) - aollieuz - 38812400
Arnaud CONCHON - aconchon - 34525042
Beatrice Malebranche - bmalebranche
Emmanuel STREEL - eestreel - 36253763
Gervais Havyarimana - ghavyarimana - 38812373
Helena Murseli (Sub-Cluster Coordinator, Jacmel) - helenamurseli 38812394
Schembri Herbert, WASH Cluster Coordinator - 3-766-3102 hschembri@
Hahn Nicole, IM Officer - 3-625-3872 msnicolehahn@
other_contacts changed.
(show/hide changes)Wed Jul 28 06:13:30 +0000 2010 by LTel:notes: Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
-> Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Andrea Berther - aberther - No longer in country
Annelies Ollieuz (Inter-Cluster Liaison) - aollieuz - 38812400
Arnaud CONCHON - aconchon - 34525042
Beatrice Malebranche - bmalebranche
Emmanuel STREEL - eestreel - 36253763
Gervais Havyarimana - ghavyarimana - 38812373
Helena Murseli (Sub-Cluster Coordinator, Jacmel) - helenamurseli 38812394
(show/hide changes)Wed Jul 28 06:08:03 +0000 2010 by LTel:notes: Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Anthony Jones - ajones 36746430
Mehu Josny - jmehu
Samuel Kinge Namanga - ksnamanga
-> Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
(show/hide changes)Wed Jul 28 06:07:29 +0000 2010 by LTel:name: UNICEF (LOGISTICS/CHILD PROTECTION/WASH/CAMP/HEALTH CLUSTERS) - 2010 Haiti Earthquake -> UNICEF (LOGISTICS/CHILD PROTECTION/WASH/CAMP/HEALTH/EDUCATION CLUSTERS) - 2010 Haiti Earthquake
notes: Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
-> Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
Anthony Jones - ajones 36746430
Mehu Josny - jmehu
Samuel Kinge Namanga - ksnamanga
(show/hide changes)Sun Mar 14 01:16:17 +0000 2010 by LTel:name: UNICEF (LOGISTICS/CHILD PROTECTION/WASH/CAMP CLUSTERS) - 2010 Haiti Earthquake -> UNICEF (LOGISTICS/CHILD PROTECTION/WASH/CAMP/HEALTH CLUSTERS) - 2010 Haiti Earthquake
notes: Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
-> Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
Faton Mehoundo, Chief of Health / 509-3696-3904 / mfaton
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
(show/hide changes)Sun Mar 14 00:01:36 +0000 2010 by LTel:name: UNICEF (Logistics/Protection/WASH/CCCM Camp Cluster) - 2010 Haiti Earthquake -> UNICEF (LOGISTICS/CHILD PROTECTION/WASH/CAMP CLUSTERS) - 2010 Haiti Earthquake
notes: Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
-> Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
Pierre JeanStenio, ECD/Int. Resp. Field Coordinator steniopierre 38812372
Annelies Ollieuz (Edu Cluster - but on CAMP CLUSTER CONTACT LIST) aollieuz
(show/hide changes)Thu Mar 04 02:44:12 +0000 2010 by LTel:added notes
name: UNICEF (Logistics/Protection/WASH Cluster) - 2010 Haiti Earthquake -> UNICEF (Logistics/Protection/WASH/CCCM Camp Cluster) - 2010 Haiti Earthquake
notes: Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25
Aya Eke PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics)
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker
B. Doyle -
C. Cormency -
C. De Houx -
C. Osorio -
D. Weatherill -
David Delienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein
F. Bellet
F. Bouvet
F. Gruloos
Glenn Eriksson 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger
Jean McCluskey
Jenny Levander 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule
Mark Henderson
Rolando Wallusche
Rony Bayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya 8816438587 / +19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876 PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.)
Tiya Bachyman -
Victor Kinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows -
Child Protection - UNICEF -
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
-> Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25 mijaververs
Aya Eke naiticpwg PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 aberther PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics) cprovencher
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker acparker
B. Doyle - bdoyle
C. Cormency - ccormency
C. De Houx - cdehoux
C. Osorio - cosorio
D. Weatherill - dweatherill
David Delienne ddelienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein dravenstein
F. Bellet fbellet
F. Bouvet Bouvet
F. Gruloos fgruloos
Glenn Eriksson anykeystudio 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden hvannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger jheeger
Jean McCluskey jmccluskey
Jenny Levander levanderj 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade julikoss 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule lmaule
Mark Henderson mhenderson
Rolando Wallusche walluschesaul
Rony Bayard rbayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya sgaya 8816438587 /+19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876
ssow PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.) tforster
Tiya Bachyman - thabachy
Victor Kinyanjui vkinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows - wfellows
Child Protection Cluster - UNICEF - haiticpwg
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
CCCM Camp Cluster:
Amanda Meluile haitimhpss
Arnaud Conchon, Eco/Integrated Response aconchon
Christina Torsein ctorsein
Stephane Pichette, Child Protection Specialist - MRM spichette
(show/hide changes)Wed Mar 03 23:58:41 +0000 2010 by LTel:notes: Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
-> Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
UNICEF Cluster Lead Contacts Info:
Mija Ververs (Nutrition) 011+509-3492-04 25
Aya Eke PaP
Andrea Berther (Education) +1-809-604-7795 PaP
Christian Provencher (Logistics)
WASH CLUSTER (Sanitation/Hygiene) CONTACTS:
AC Parker
B. Doyle -
C. Cormency -
C. De Houx -
C. Osorio -
D. Weatherill -
David Delienne 011-509-3491-6963
Douglas Ravenstein
F. Bellet
F. Bouvet
F. Gruloos
Glenn Eriksson 011-509-3492-0495
H. Vannorden
Hans Beauvoir 011-509-3473-0652
J. Heeger
Jean McCluskey
Jenny Levander 011-509-3491-4211
Julien Atchade 011-509-3676-1358
L. Maule
Mark Henderson
Rolando Wallusche
Rony Bayard 011-509-3445-5984
Silvia Gaya 8816438587 / +19173926141
Souleymane Sow - 33611854876 PaP
Tim Forster (Dom-Rep.)
Tiya Bachyman -
Victor Kinyanjui 011-509-3492-4310
William Fellows -
Child Protection - UNICEF -
Mija Ververs (Protection Cluster)
+509 349 20435 PaP
Child Psychosocial/Protection
Ayda Eke (Meeting Chair)
other_contacts changed.
(show/hide changes)Fri Feb 26 16:16:15 +0000 2010 by LTel:other_contacts changed.
(show/hide changes)Fri Feb 26 15:51:04 +0000 2010 by LTel:other_contacts changed.
(show/hide changes)Fri Feb 26 15:42:23 +0000 2010 by LTel:added internal contact - WASH cluster
name: UNICEF (Logistics/Protection Cluster) - 2010 Haiti Earthquake -> UNICEF (Logistics/Protection/WASH Cluster) - 2010 Haiti Earthquake
other_contacts changed.
(show/hide changes)Thu Feb 25 17:26:17 +0000 2010 by LTel:added internal contacts
town: -> Countrywide
name: UNICEF United States Fund (2010 Haiti Earthquake Response) -> UNICEF (Logistics/Protection Cluster) - 2010 Haiti Earthquake
notes: Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
Use this form to make a secure, tax-deductible donation to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, supporting UNICEF’s emergency response in Haiti. $50, $100, $250, $500 or any amount you can give will help save lives.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
-> Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
other_contacts changed.
(show/hide changes)Wed Jan 27 07:46:37 +0000 2010 by DNug:other_contacts changed.
Doing whatever it takes to save a child
Working in over 150 countries, UNICEF provides children with health care, clean water, nutrition, education, emergency relief, and more. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports UNICEF’s work through fundraising, advocacy, and education in the United States.
Despite extraordinary progress, 24,000 children still die each day from preventable causes. Our mission is to do whatever it takes to make that number zero by giving children the essentials for a safe and healthy childhood.
-> Doing whatever it takes to save a child
Working in over 150 countries, UNICEF provides children with health care, clean water, nutrition, education, emergency relief, and more. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports UNICEF’s work through fundraising, advocacy, and education in the United States.
Despite extraordinary progress, 24,000 children still die each day from preventable causes. Our mission is to do whatever it takes to make that number zero by giving children the essentials for a safe and healthy childhood.
(show/hide changes)Sat Jan 16 04:25:00 +0000 2010 by LTel:name: UNICEF (2010 Haiti Earthquake) -> UNICEF United States Fund (2010 Haiti Earthquake Response)
organization: UNICEF -> Non-Profit - Children's Health/Social Services
Doing whatever it takes to save a child
Working in over 150 countries, UNICEF provides children with health care, clean water, nutrition, education, emergency relief, and more. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports UNICEF’s work through fundraising, advocacy, and education in the United States.
Despite extraordinary progress, 24,000 children still die each day from preventable causes. Our mission is to do whatever it takes to make that number zero by giving children the essentials for a safe and healthy childhood.
Doing whatever it takes to save a child
Working in over 150 countries, UNICEF provides children with health care, clean water, nutrition, education, emergency relief, and more. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports UNICEF’s work through fundraising, advocacy, and education in the United States.
Despite extraordinary progress, 24,000 children still die each day from preventable causes. Our mission is to do whatever it takes to make that number zero by giving children the essentials for a safe and healthy childhood.
(show/hide changes)Sat Jan 16 04:23:52 +0000 2010 by LTel:site: added avails/needs
notes: -> Help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them.
Use this form to make a secure, tax-deductible donation to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, supporting UNICEF’s emergency response in Haiti. $50, $100, $250, $500 or any amount you can give will help save lives.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF is absorbing all associated administrative costs so that 100% of every dollar you give to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF will support UNICEF's relief efforts for children in Haiti.
region: -> Haiti, Carribean
areas_served: -> Haiti, Carribean
mission: ->
Doing whatever it takes to save a child
Working in over 150 countries, UNICEF provides children with health care, clean water, nutrition, education, emergency relief, and more. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports UNICEF’s work through fundraising, advocacy, and education in the United States.
Despite extraordinary progress, 24,000 children still die each day from preventable causes. Our mission is to do whatever it takes to make that number zero by giving children the essentials for a safe and healthy childhood.
(show/hide changes)Thu Jan 14 20:19:25 +0000 2010 by tfri:name: UNICEF (2010 Haitia Earthquake) -> UNICEF (2010 Haiti Earthquake)
(show/hide changes)Thu Jan 14 20:12:08 +0000 2010 by tfri:main_phone: -> 800 486 4233
(show/hide changes)Thu Jan 14 20:11:43 +0000 2010 by tfri:(show/hide changes)(hide history)
Created At: Thu Jan 14 20:11:43 +0000 2010
Updated At: Wed Dec 15 16:39:40 +0000 2010
Updated By: LTel
Load Legend:
Ready To Ship
En Route
*conditions with notes
New Need
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Advocacy, * (ANY/ALL Types) |
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Advocacy, Child Advocacy |
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Affiliation: United Nations - UNICEF (United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund) |
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Cluster, CCCM ~ Camp Coordination/Management (United Nations) |
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Cluster, Health (United Nations) |
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Cluster, Protection (United Nations) |
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Cluster, WASH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene - United Nations) |
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Command & Control, Distribution Units: Feeding/Food |
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Command & Control, Donations & Supply Mgmt Units |
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Command & Control, Housing/Shelter Unit (OPEN/STANDBY) |
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Community Outreach, Public Awareness, Humanitarian Issues |
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Demographic Served: Children |
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Demographic Served: Survivors, Natural Disaster Impacted Communities |
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Demographic Served: Vulnerable & Marginalized Populations |
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Distribution * (ANY/ALL Types) |
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Donations, Disaster Fund |
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Food Distribution, Emergency/Disaster Food Distribution |
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Sanitation, Services, Latrine Installation, Volunteer Services |
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* |
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Sanitation, Supplies, Water Treatment/Purification/Filtration Supplies/Equipment * (ANY/ALL Types) |
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Services, Educational Services (See also Category for School) |
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Services, Logistics Support |
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Shelter, Orphanage, Temporary Shelter For Displaced Orphans |
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Support for Named Disaster: 2010 /2011 Haiti Cholera Epidemic |
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Support for Named Disaster: 2010 Haiti Earthquake |
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Support for Named Disaster: 2010 Haiti Earthquake, Orphanages/Childrens Homes |
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*conditions with notes
New Availability
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